February “Living as a single parent in Korea


1/20 Japanese NGO “We learned a lesson from Korean Unwed Mothers Families Association(KUMFA) in Korea.”
3/20 “The National Assembly looked out for number one only for their parties”
5/11 Unwed mothers and adoptees declared May 11th as “Adoption Truth Day
9/17 KUMFA hosted the 1st Adoption Truth Day International Conference
9/18 IU the Korean artist donated 50 million won for KUMFA mothers
11/5 “In front of Cheong Wa Dae, KUMFA held a press conference calling for stop to overseas adoption” 


4/11 Single-parent families suffer financial difficulties


3/1 The stigma of being a single mother in South Korea
2/4 Social stigma of being an unwed mother in South Korea remains strong
5/4 Unwed single mothers battle against harsh reality 


1/17 Poetry event set to help unwed mothers 
12/2 Unmarried single mothers discuss stigmas, abortion
4/1 Single mothers in Korea (News by Vatican City)
3/15 Shelter assists Korea’s ignored single mothers


12/28 South Korean single mothers turn to theater to strike back against stereotypes


05/11 South Korea’s single moms struggle to remove a social stigma


06/03 헌재 “입양기관-미혼모시설 함께 운영 금지 합헌”
06/02 Unwed Mothers Face Uphill Battle in Raising Children
05/17 [시사매거진 2580] 손가락질에 우는 미혼모…”당당하게 아이 키우고 싶어요”
05/12 Number of South Korean children adopted drops by half
05/11 [Yu Kun-ha] Adoption policy should focus on unwed moms
03/20 In South Korea, quest to recast views of single motherhood
03/05 Single motherhood and shame in South Korea
03/05 이혼 후 양육비, 정부가 대신 받아준다
03/02 Child support enforcement legislation passed! – TRACK
02/07  “베이비박스는 영아 살해를 줄이지 봇한다”
01/14  Adoption 16X Better Than Family Preservation: Korean Budget Speaks – TRACK


09/16 [Voice] How should Korea address single parenthood?
07/08 How to protect the privacy of unwed mothers 
06/08 미혼모는 16만명..미혼부들 찾아가봤더니..
05/28 Adoptees help to change adoption culture in Korea
05/10 [공변의 변] 미혼모에게 입양을 권하는 사회 – 소라미 변호사
05/10  “나 같은 경험 않기를”…입양인 미혼모 한목소리
05/07 입양을 바라보는 두 개의 시선
05/06 The Importance of Ensuring Child-Support Payment and the Necessity of its Systematic Complement
03/08  ‘Supporting unwed moms key to reducing adoption rate’

12/25 Unwed mothers call for Park’s attention
03/06 [1인도 소중하게]1늘어나는 싱글맘 대디 경제적 지원 없어
05/16 Danish princess visits Korean unwed moms 
09/10 South Koreans dedicate a day to single moms 

11/23 Adoptees raise cash for single moms 
6/11 First Korean Single Mom’s Day
2/11 Organization helps Korea’s single moms
6/23 Ending South Korea’s child export shame 

02/25 South Korea’s Unwed Mothers Organize

09/07 Group Resists Korean Stigma for Unwed Mothers