Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK)
“Adoptee Solidarity Korea (ASK) was founded in March 2004 by a group of adopted Korean adults living and working in Korea . ASK looks at the issue of intercountry adoption out of Korea from a broad social and political perspective, as well as from a human rights point of view. We believe that the current practice of intercountry adoption from Korea is no longer necessary; its continued practice indicates a need for alternative forms of social support for Korea ‘s underprivileged class.
We also believe that an end to intercountry adoption from Korea signifies the beginning of a process that must be implemented with careful planning and a shift in the economic priorities of the Korean government in order to raise the standards of social welfare and overall quality of life for all Koreans.
ASK’s mission is to address the problems associated with Korean overseas adoption. Through education and activism, we aim to raise awareness, advocate change and support alternatives to intercountry adoption.
ASK envisions the end of intercountry adoption out of Korea in conjunction with long-term alternatives and an improved social welfare system. We will be an active voice that monitors and participates in this process of social and political change.”
Website: http://www.adopteesolidarity.org/

Truth and Reconciliation for the Adoption Community of Korea (TRACK)
“We are an organization advocating full knowledge of past and present Korean adoption practices to protect the human rights of adult adoptees, children, and families.
TRACK은성인입양인, 아동, 그리고가족의인권을보호하기의하여과거와현재의입양관례에대한모든지식과정보를대변하는단체입니다.”
Website: http://www.adoptionjustice.com/

Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (G.O.A.’L)
“Global Overseas Adoptees’ Link (G.O.A.’L) is a non-profit organization. G.O.A.’L is an organization of Korean adoptees, founded and operated by adoptees in South Korea, for the worldwide adoptee community.”
Website: http://goal.or.kr/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/goal.kr