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2023 Holiday Gift Drive

This is our 13th year organizing a holiday gift drive for the children of KUMFA. This year we sponsoring a total of 300 children! In order to get all the gifts ordered and delivered before Santa arrives, we need to find donors by December 15th!!  2023 Holiday Wishlist SANTAS FOUND FOR ALL 300 CHILDREN! THANK…

Films to Watch

FORGET ME NOT What makes a mother give away her baby? This is the big question in Sun Hee Engelstoft’s poignant heartbreaker of a film about three Korean women who have become pregnant outside of marriage and are now hiding from the outside world until they give birth. They live in a shelter for unwed mothers on a…

Donate to KUMFA

As a grassroots non-profit organization which operates without government assistance but rather solely on dues from unwed mothers, sponsorships from corporate sponsors and foundations, and donations from individuals, KUMFA is sincerely grateful for all donations. We would love to provide services to any unwed mother in need but we are of course constrained by a…

Recommended Books

구원과 밀매 복음주의 기독교의 선의와 국제간 아동 입양의 현실 캐서린 조이스 지음, 박준영 옮김책소개 :구원과 밀매는 현대 세계에서 일어나고 있는 국제간 아동 입양의 현실과 그 배후의 동인에 대한 심층 탐사록이다. 저자 캐서린은 난마처럼 얽혀 있는 국제간 아동 입양의 심층 세계를 두루 섭렵하도록 돕는다. 르녀는 독자들로 하여금 미국과 아이티, 우크라이나, 과테말라, 에티오피아, 라이베리아, 르완다, 한국 등을…

Single Moms’ Day

The 4th Single Moms’ Day. Single Moms are Parents Too! From Abandonment to Child-rearing 2014/05/11 – 제 4회 싱글맘의 날 기념 국제 컨퍼런스. 싱글맘도 부모다! 아이를 버리게 만드는 사회에서 키울 수 있는 사외로 “Single Moms’ Day is an event that was started by TRACK in 2011 to challenge the government’s Adoption Day. We were inspired…

Legal Information

This page contains legal based information regarding international policies on adoptionand the rights of unwed mothers in Korea. Please take a look and feel free to share! Special Adoption Act On August 5, 2012, the Korean government enacted the Special Adoption Act. These revisions were lobbied into law by adoptee and unwed mothers’ groups (such…